OS221: Operating Systems 2022-1

Repository for Operating Systems 2021-2

Home GitHub Log Links
  1. markdownguide.org
    A website that acts as a guide to using and implementing markdown language. For writing markdown pages like these, its a useful guide to help you when you’re confused.

  2. Linux Tutorial for Beginners
    A short 13 minute YouTube video explaining the basic concepts of Linux. To help understand Linux in an intuitive way, this video gives a useful overview of what Linux is about.

  3. Basics of GnuPG
    A explanation page that explains the basics of GnuPG. Useful for understanding the purpose of GnuPG and how it works.

  4. Understanding Linux File Systems
    A blog that explains about the history of ext4 and the history of Linux’s file systems. Gives a brief history of used file systems and gives an understanding of the growth between each of them

  5. Vim Cheat Sheet
    A cheat sheet for editing text files or other files using the Vim text editor. Useful for writing the files needed for each weeks assignment.

  6. Writing C Scripts
    A guide that gives an introductory explanation into the writing of C language scripts. Makes it easier to understand the scripts used to generate the files needed for assignments.

  7. The Linux Programming Interface Guide
    A page that gives a description of The Linux Programming Interface handbook. Contains chapter lists, source codes, and downloadable samples to help you understand TLPI.

  8. Guide to Linux Programming
    A beginners guide that explains the basics of programming with linux. Explains about scripting and gives links to other useful sources that could help you learn linux programming.

  9. Walkthrough: Compile a C program on the command line
    A walkthrough from the Microsoft documentation page for compiling c files. Gives a clear step-by-step explanation for compiling c files.

  10. C Language Tutorial
    A W3Schools tutorial on writing in the C language. Teaches about the syntax, data types and others used in the C language.

  11. SCP Command Guide
    A guide for using the SCP (secure copy) command. Useful for transfering files between systems like the os1 server.

  12. What is Shared Memory?
    A document that explains about the definition and uses of shared memory. Discusses about the fork() system call as well.

  13. Process Synchronization in Linux
    An intuitive explanation of process synchronization in linux. Useful for getitng a deeper understanding of the subject.

  14. Synchronization in Linux and Windows
    Explains synchronization in Linux compared to Windows. Strengthens understanding of the topic when comparing to other systems.

  15. Read Linux from Scratch Online
    A portal for finding links to parts of the Linux from Scratch book. Useful as alternative links for this weeks assignment.

  16. Useful Applications of Linux
    Useful things you can after creating your own Linux device. Where to go from after following Linux from Scratch

  17. Why Build Linux from Scratch?
    An interesting Quora discussion about the uses of Linux from Scratch. Deepens insight about its uses.

  18. About Linux Package Managers
    An article about what linux package managers are. Interesting if your package installs keep failing.